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Medicine Cabinet to Quit Smoking

By: Ian Murnaghan BSc (hons), MSc - Updated: 25 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
Quit Smoking Medicine Cabinet Nicotine

While some people plan to quit smoking 'cold turkey,' others know that having supportive aids in their medicine cabinet can make all the difference in their success. There are a number of medicines and supplements to help you quit smoking. It's a good idea, however, to speak to your doctor about which ones are best for you before you start.

Nicotine Patches

Nicotine patches are applied to the skin, where they release nicotine. They are usually applied once each day and these patches have been around since the 1980s. While they can help to reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms, there is a great deal of debate around how effective they are as an aid to quit smoking.

Nicotine Gum

Nicotine gum is an easily accessible over-the-counter solution to help you quit smoking. It consists of chewing gum infused with minimal amounts of nicotine to help reduce your cravings. They are also thought to help reduce withdrawal symptoms while also offering a way to still get some of the nicotine buzz without all the other chemicals in cigarettes.

The downside is that some people find they become 'addicted' to the chewing aspect and continue to be avid gum chewers long after they have quit smoking. If you do experience this downside, however, it is likely to be a minor one given the health benefits of quitting smoking.

Other Nicotine Products to Quit Smoking

Today, there are so many options to purchase products that contain nicotine, it can be confusing to choose the right one. There are now nicotine lozenges and a nicotine nasal spray.

As with any nicotine product, they are designed to offer a convenient way to reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings for nicotine. Some believe that it's best to go 'cold turkey' and quit because although withdrawal symptoms are intense, they are short-lived. Others, however, need nicotine aids to help them feel comfortable enough to function each day.

Non-Nicotine Aids

One drug used to help people quit smoking is varenicline and it is sold under the brand name Champix. It is believed that it activates certain receptors in the brain while inhibiting other receptors linked to the nicotine response. The stimulation of some receptors is thought to substitute the response the body would normally have to nicotine, but without the damage and risks. This way, it reduces nicotine cravings, which hopefully results in the user smoking less or not at all.

Another drug used to help people stop smoking is known as bupropion and it is sold under the brand name Zyban. It has no nicotine in it but is thought to help users with cravings for cigarettes. The drug is one that is also widely used to treat depression.

Use Your Medicine Cabinet Today

It's not easy for most people to quit smoking. Above all, you need to be fully motivated because without motivation and support from those around you, it will likely be more difficult – even with the right medicine cabinet. Once you see your doctor, you will hopefully get the right information to build a medicine cabinet that supports your health goals for a smoke-free life.

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